SUST Online Teaching Evaluation System

SUST Online Teaching Evaluation System – an innovative software designed to enhance the course feedback process at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). This cutting-edge system offers students and faculty members a seamless and user-friendly experience, streamlining the feedback collection and analysis process.



Integrating with the University Automation System Login Credentials, students and faculties can effortlessly access the platform using their existing accounts. This ensures a secure and efficient login process that prioritizes user privacy. No personal information will be collected or stored during the feedback submission process, upholding the highest data protection standards.


Students provide their course feedback anonymously, guaranteeing that no personal data is stored or linked to their responses. This approach encourages honest feedback, leading to more accurate insights.


Students are encouraged to share their opinions and insights about courses, curriculum, teaching methods, and more. This comprehensive feedback helps faculty members focus more on their teaching strengths and identify improvement areas by accessing detailed feedback statistics.


Revolutionizes the way course feedback is collected and utilized within SUST. Embracing this innovative solution shall create a more effective and transparent feedback process, ultimately leading to an elevated educational experience for all stakeholders at SUST.